Our — Ardennen Flusslandschaft in LuxemburgVorlage:Infobox Fluss/KARTE fehlt Daten … Deutsch Wikipedia
our — ‘Our’ is used in some English dialects to mean ‘belonging to our family’. Cider with Rosie, by Laurie Lee, has examples of ‘our’ + first name: our Mother, our lad. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, by Alan Sillitoe, has ‘our’ + first name… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Our — (our), possessive pron. [AS. [=u]re our, of us; akin to [=u]s us, to us, and to G. unser our, of us, Goth. unsara. [root]186. See {Us}.] Of or pertaining to us; belonging to us; as, our country; our rights; our troops; our endeavors. See {I}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
our — [ aur ] determiner *** Our is a possessive determiner (followed by a noun), being a possessive form of we. belonging to or connected with you and the group you are a part of, when you are the person speaking or writing: Most of our friends live… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
our — W1S1 [auə US aur] determiner [possessive form of we ] [: Old English; Origin: ure] 1.) belonging to or connected with us ▪ a picture of our grandchildren ▪ You can stay at our house. ▪ We must preserve our natural environment. ▪ We must each take … Dictionary of contemporary English
Our — puede referirse a: Our, comuna francesa situada en la región de Franco Condado, departamento de Jura. Our, río en Bélgica, Luxemburgo y Alemania, afluente del Sûre. Our, villa de la comuna de Paliseul, en Bélgica. Our, nombre en lengua acadia de… … Wikipedia Español
-our — oursuff. [OF. our.] See { or}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Our — may refer to: Our (river), in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany Our, Jura, a commune in France See also Ours (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
our — O.E. ure of us, genitive plural of the first person pronoun, from P.Gmc. *ons (Cf. O.S. usa, O.Fris. use, O.H.G. unsar, Ger. unser, Goth. unsar our ). Ours, formed c.1300, is a double possessive, originating in northern England, and has taken… … Etymology dictionary
our — [our] possessive pronominal adj. [ME ure < OE ure, earlier user, gen. of us (see US), akin to Ger unser] of, belonging to, made by, or done by us … English World dictionary